Here at La Vida Liverpool we love introducing you to some of the incredible independent businesses our region has to offer — especially the interesting and different ones. We recently discovered a very special business indeed called Hope Street Casting Studio and here we meet the amazing woman behind it who turns people, memories and love into works of art….
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What’s Hope Street Casting Studio about?
Founded in 2017 and located next to The Everyman on Hope Street, Hope Street Casting Studio is the beautiful concept from Ange Donohue. The studio offers a body casting service where people can have parts of their body captured in a cast — therefore immortalising them and the memories forever.
Ange turns people into pieces of fine art via real life casts that can be captured within a frame, as ornaments or wall mounted sculptures. Offering something unique that people can cherish forever, Hope Street Casting Studio has become a very popular choice for a bespoke gift or to cherish a loved one who has passed away.
Check out Hope Street Casting Studio on FACEBOOK!
The story behind it….
Ange told us: “I came up with the concept of combining psychology with art after studying grief and loss as part of my psychology degree. I came to realise that creating real life casts of deceased loved ones offers something tangible that people can hold onto — something that can help with the grieving process.”
She continued: “It has helped many people but it’s not just the memorial casting we offer — it’s very popular for bespoke gifts too. It’s certainly something very unique and there’s nothing quite like it. I’ve had local and national press coverage and I didn’t expect it to take off the way it has.”
Check out the Hope Street Casting Studio WEBSITE!
The perfect gift….
Ange told us: “Body casting is a really beautiful, unique and lasting gift to give someone. Some people bring their children to create an ornament of them holding hands then give it as a gift to their partner. Sometimes grandparents who are looking after their grandchild take the child in to get casted as a gift for the parents.”
She continued: “Gift vouchers are very popular too and couples love turning themselves into works of art to capture their love for one another. People either give the voucher as a gift in a card or bring them here as a surprise. There are a few ways in which to capture love but there’s nothing quite like this.”
Check out Hope Street Casting Studio on FACEBOOK!
Helping those who have lost loved ones….
Ange helps many people through the grieving process by turning a loved one who has passed away into a tangible work of art. She works closely with Clare House and parents who have lost children turn to her to capture the memory of their departed child. She’s currently working with a parent to offer this as a free service to those who struggle via the ‘Gift From Beth’ project.
Ange explained: “We offer a hand casting memorial service and it’s a truly sensitive and personal service which preserves memories of our loved ones that we can cherish forever. It offers people something tangible and an alternative to photographs or videos — turning a loved one who we’ve lost into a piece of art is a unique way to celebrate them.”
Check out the Hope Street Casting Studio WEBSITE!
Why we love Hope Street Casting Studio….
Here at La Vida Liverpool we love the great independents that our region has to offer and it’s always refreshing to discover unique and quirky businesses. Hope Street Casting Studio offers something very different and very beautiful — turning people into art and providing a priceless lasting memory. Amazing!
Hope Street Casting Studio / 15 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BY / 07505036806
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