Linda B is a leading international life coach from Iceland and is a LET Communication Consultant, Trauma Resiliency Model expert, Former President of the Icelandic Coaching Federation and Board of Icelandic Women’s Business Association. We’ve partnered with her to help our readers with their problems via our problem page and free advice in articles.
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
Now the year 2020 has passed I guess many of us are saying “Thank God it’s over” or as it said on the Christmas card that my daughter sent me “Glad this f……. year is over, Merry Christmas”. But now after this challenging year here comes the January blues and on top of that we have lockdown, so double January troubles!
When we find ourselves in a position where all the plans we made for our future and everything we intended to do are collapsing, we are faced with a choice. We have the choice to stand tall or to break down and I urge all of us to choose to stand up and remember that EVERYTHING works for our good in the end, even though we do not quite see how when we are in the middle of the storm. We can have such a hard time imagining that good days are going to visit us again, but they will do – I promise.
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
During these difficult periods like the one the world is facing right now, it is good to keep in mind that we need to respect all our emotions, and we should remember that none of them are illegal. However, it is good to keep also in mind that the feelings associated with joy and positivity should be sought out in our hearts as often as possible. We should let those feelings stay for as long as possible but allow the difficult ones to stay for a little while and then change them into feelings that serves our purpose better.
But how can we control our feelings and help drive the blues away? I’m about to give you 7 tips on how that is possible and the first one comes from Maya Angelou who said….
1. When life is hard and you’re about to give up, say thank you. I think that’s very good advice that we should practice, like the serenity prayer says: “Change the things that you can change, but accept the things that you can not change.“ So let’s just say “thank you“ to our blues and circumstances in the beginning of 2021 and use them to help us grow.
2. Even in lockdown we can create happy times with those we care about even if it has to be an online dinner party. Moments like that are the ones that give us the energy and power to stand up again and again from our blues, so create them when ever you can.
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
3. We should talk to our family and friends often or every time we feel a little bit down because they will be there for us. The ones who love us will help us to see the light that shines at the end of the tunnel if we just speak out.
4. Change your thinking towards success and positivity by creating 3 sentences that tells you that everything is great and that only good things come into your life. Then tell your self that you are happy even if you don’t feel like that and those sentences that you create should be said over and over again (about 45 times a day). Our brain doesn’t know the difference of reality or what we vision, it only works like our computer keyboard, so if I push an A on the keyboard A comes on the screen, right? So let’s use that wonderful computer that we have within to create a positive state of mind. And always remember that tomorrow is a brand new day with new promises and a new beginning for all of us and I urge us to make the most of that gift.
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
5. Take a day off from time to time to give thanks for all that you already have in your life. Start with the bed, the duvet, the pillow, the warm house, the cold water and so on and that will help you to see what you have instead of just focusing on the lack of things in your life right now. Believe me this works wonders.
6. Do good deeds every day, give a hug even if it has to be a virtual one, smile to all that you see or meet, give everyone a praise and say nice words to all the people around you. We have so many ways nowadays to let people know how precious they are so let’s use some of those ways to tell the people we love or even just the person that lives alone how special and wonderful they are. If you can add something about how they look or how they smile let them know, you could not just be making your day by doing so but their day also.
7. Think carefully about your health. Your diet, your exercise, your peace of mind and de-stress yourself because we are 3 in 1, body soul and spirit, so all 3 must be in balance. Thank your body daily for all its wonderful work. And then you can thank your organs and all the systems of the body that are at work for you 24 hours a day and keeps you thereby alive and kicking. Thank the beating heart, the digestion, the blood circulation etc. Then go to Youtube and find some relaxing meditations (I recommend that the ones one that has 428mz frequency) and find some yoga exercises also. Qigong will also do you good and 7 minutes exercise plans on the floor in your living room will help you to stay fit. Then you can also turn your favourite music on and dance around your apartment.
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
If you do all this on a daily basis I think your mind and body will be well off in lockdown, and you will be happy even while all those restrictions are happening. Life is a little like an ECG. There are ups and downs which is the natural rhythm of life and it is so good to be able to know that everything passes, all the peaks and troughs and also what is going on in the world.
Always look at what we can learn from life and all its circumstances, especially when the conditions are not good or when the bad times have taken over. In most cases, we will discover that the lessons we learned from the situations are valuable and make us a better and wiser people if we allow ourselves to enjoy the lessons, and let go of the bitterness or the regret.
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
Let us remember and focus on the fact that the best awaits us all, think in that way and speak it out and trust that when one door closes, there will always be one more door opened up for us, even a better or more exciting one. Let us rediscover the purpose that is hidden in these testing times and start this year with hope in our hearts, love that warms our hearts, our creativity thoughts as our weapon, and lets just conquer the blues again and again. Like my friend Dr. Shamender Talwar would say: “Tomorrow is a brand new day that we can fill with good things, good thoughts, good deeds and good people, so lets choose wisely!”
Until next time, lots of love,
Linda B x
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!