Two laboratory scientists have left their long, stable careers in the pharmaceutical industry to open an underground distillery in New Brighton’s Victoria Quarter.
Ant Ryan first founded Column Craft’s ‘Gravity Gin’ from home in March 2019 and after a meteoric rise to success, his friend and work colleague, David Maloney joined in 2020 as an equal shareholder. They have now quit their day jobs to run a brewery from Ant’s house and the new ‘Peninsula Distillery’ underneath Rockpoint Records, in Victoria Road, New Brighton.
Check out the Big Bang Brewery & Gravity Gin Distillery WEBSITE!
Akin to a legal version of ‘Breaking Bad’, the two friends have turned their science expertise towards making spirits under the ‘Column Craft’ banner, by creating various brands such as:
- Gravity Gin’s Colour Changing Pear & Berries, glittery Ginger & Citrus, Spiced Apple & Elderflower and the sweeter Pink Gin
- Spiced Relativity Rum – Pineapple & Raisin
- VLABC – a brand new original botanical spirit, with Vanilla, Lemon, Alcohol, Beer Hops & Cardamom
The two gents have a combined experience of 40 years in industrial fermentation and distillation. Now with ‘Big Bang Brewery’ and the in house distillery, they’re aiming to go universal!
Check out Gravity Gin on FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM!
The gin and rum range has been extremely popular, with 30 plus venues across the region stocking their creative concoctions, and there has also been huge demand for direct delivery to consumers. With lockdown, the timing was right to expand behind the scenes, to build foundations and gather momentum.
Evolving from infusing/compounding, they decided to distil their own spirits in New Brighton, rather than buy from distillers outside the area. It’s important for them to keep things local and authentic, even sourcing community grown botanicals. At what is currently the UK’s smallest commercial nano brewery, they have perfected their first beer — ‘Wirral Squirrel’ — a strawberry IPA with floral, herbal and earthy notes.
Check out the Big Bang Brewery & Gravity Gin Distillery WEBSITE!
Founder Ant Ryan said: “We are scientists who quit their jobs to make spirits. When we formed Column Craft initially with the launch of Gravity Gin, it was a part time side hustle, but we never dreamt it would take off the way it has. We’re experienced in all areas of science, so we were able to transfer our skills and interests into making alcohol and developing brands, to have a unique and hopefully interesting range of drinks that have, so far, thankfully, been well received.”
He continued: “Like me, all our drinks are vegan friendly and we strive to limit our carbon footprint, offering deposit returns on bottles. The new brewery will supply local venues and retail consumers, while the in-house distillery means we are now in control of every part of our process. We are beyond grateful to the local community for continued support and are looking forward to seeing the area’s exciting developments flourish. In the future, we hope to employ locally, when growing our businesses.”
Check out Gravity Gin on FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM!
Co-owner David Maloney said: “Opening the brewery and now a new distillery, is perfect for us. We’re local and very much a part of the Victoria Quarter regeneration project. We love the fact that it’s underground and it gives the eclectic area yet another quirky attraction and talking point.”
A distillery beneath Rockpoint Records gives both businesses mutual benefits of interest and footfall — with the shop including a café/bar, live music, a tattoo parlour, a barber’s, beauty salon, art studios and a record store. A popular choice amongst those who like to visit New Brighton’s rapidly growing Victoria Quarter, this underground attraction is another reason to visit.
Check out Gravity Gin on FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM!
Both Big Bang Brewery and Column Craft are already trading; they offer free delivery to local venues as well as to Wirral customers directly. Whether you’re after a Vodka, Gin, VLABC, Spiced Rum or Beer, you’re in good hands here!
Peninsula Distillery, 92 – 94 Victoria Road, New Brighton, Wirral, CH45 2JF
Check out Column Craft & Big Bang Brewery on their WEBSITE!
Check out Gravity Gin on FACEBOOK!
Check out Gravity Gin on INSTAGRAM!