Health & Beauty


There’s a new healthy food bar that’s been making waves in the heart of Heswall! Tel Island food bar and meal prep service situated on Milner Road brings a much needed healthy eating option to the Wirral town and in this feature we showcase what it’s about, the story behind it, what’s on the menu and why we love it!

Check out Tel Island on FACEBOOK!

What’s Tel Island about?

On 17th July 2019, Tel Earthey opened Tel Island after refurbishing an old tea room. Owner Tel was previously in a band and worked as a chef for 13 years, but he came to realise he wasn’t living a healthy lifestyle and decided to make some big changes. He started a meal prep service for himself and his friends and this evolved into setting up his own business.

Tel Island is a relaxed food bar and coffee shop that serves quality fresh food in a relaxed environment with soul, funk and feelgood music playlist. It’s a vibrant and colourful little gem that boasts one of the best hidden gardens in the area and following a visit you’ll feel refreshed and revitalised. You can eat and drink in or collect meals as part of their meal prep service.

Check out Tel Island on FACEBOOK!

What’s on the menu?

Tel Island offers a fantastic range of food and drink and a multitude of combinations. Whether you’re after breakfast, a sandwich, a wrap, a salad, a create your own meal prep box, a coffee, a smoothie, a shake or one of Tel’s home made cakes, there’s a delicious healthy eating option for everyone. At Tel Island the ethos is that healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring — the meals they create are fresh, colourful, fun and tasty.

The meal prep boxes are tailored to what you want, whether that be chicken, steak, salmon, tuna, sweet potato mash, wild rice, broccoli, roasted veg — the list is extensive and the combinations are endless. One thing for sure is you’ll look and feel better on a Tel Island diet. They offer great value meal prep plans for collection — a fresh, fast and convenient way of living a healthier life.

Check out Tel Island’s menu and meal prep options on FACEBOOK!

Our visit….

We visited one Friday and enjoyed refreshing juices and a meatball meal prep box. We talked with Tel about the concept and he told us: “As a chef and band member for years I had a really bad lifestyle. I drank too much and was selfish — it got to the stage where I even forgot my mum’s birthday and I knew I needed to change my life.”

Tel continued: “I started by replacing partying with going to the gym. I made healthy meal prep boxes for me and my friends and realised I was onto something. When I saw the opportunity to buy the tea room I jumped at it — I realised my calling was to help inspire other people to make a positive change like I have.”

Tel explained: “I created Tel Island to help change people’s lives. A healthy, nutritious diet is key to a healthy, happy life and through Tel Island I can help people make that change. I don’t want to build a big empire here — I just want to live a good, healthy life and to help others do the same.”

Check out Tel Island on FACEBOOK!

Why we love Tel Island….

After visiting Tel Island, sampling the food and drink and talking to Tel about the reason behind the concept, there are many things to love about Tel Island. With so many unhealthy fast food options out there, Tel Island is a breath of fresh air and proves that healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring — their food and drink is fun, flavoursome and convenient.

We love small independents, especially ones like Tel where the back story is inspiring and uplifting. Tel is in it for the right reasons and with the sincere motivation to genuinely make a positive change in the world — the kind of change he made for himself. We love his healthy fast food bar, for eating in or taking away, and highly recommend a visit!

Tel Island / 23 Milner Road, Heswall, CH60 5RT / 0151 306 3162

Check out Tel Island on FACEBOOK!

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