Wirral hypnotherapist and stage hypnotist, Alan Bates, is on a mission to combat the cocaine pandemic. The most televised hypnotist of all time, who has appeared on The Graham Norton Show, has helped thousands of people suffering from cocaine addiction in his 40 year career but is now seeing a major rise in people coming for help.
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

Based at Predictions in Liscard but working internationally, particularly in Malta where he has celebrity status, Alan Bates has hypnotised countless people with addictions — from smoking to alcohol. In recent years he has seen a big rise in people seeking help for cocaine abuse, with it now reaching a ‘pandemic’ level, he says.
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

Alan explained: “I’ve been a hypnotherapist and stage hypnotist for decades and truly love what I do but take particular pleasure in helping people through hypnotherapy. Whether it’s anxiety, fears, PTSD, trauma, weight loss or addiction, I have very high success rates and take a great deal of pride in changing people’s lives.”
He continued: “In terms of addictions, smoking and alcohol are the typical ones but during the past 15 years cocaine has become more and more of an issues and recently I’m seeing a big rise in people reaching out. People I know have lost everything or even died because of it and I want to help as many people as possible.”
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

A recent study in 2021 from Delamere Health highlighted the problem, finding that one in ten adults had ever tried the drug and one in fifty had taken it in the last year. Liverpool had the most overall use – with one in seven having used the drug — and the pandemic was found to have increased usage.
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

Alan said: “The negative effect this drug is having on people in society is substantial. It’s ruining lives — whether that be financially, mentally or by death. A wide range of people are coming to see me to help get off it, from all different walks of life — from young people to professionals, doctors, lawyers and others. It’s very sad to see the destruction it causes.”
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

Alan offers 1-2-1 sessions for just £70 and works on a free consultation basis in strict confidentiality. Alan provides each client with an interesting and informative talk on the power of the mind and a short psychological explanation before treating the client.
During treatments, he induces the client into a state of very deep relaxation. Once in this state of mind healthy suggestions will be made to the subconscious mind which will then surface during their waking hours, enabling them to change the processes and negative habits that have been part of their daily life.
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

Alan said: “Firstly, the client needs to really want to stop, otherwise it won’t work. Not everyone will be successful but I pride myself on very high success rates. Some people will take a few sessions or need to come back but many see lasting change from just one session — for less than the cost of a bag of high strength cocaine.”
He continued: “Addiction therapy is designed to help people change their lives by re-programming their mind and allowing their body to adjust and accept the changes. Those worried about the process can rest assured that they are in safe hands as I have been doing this for years and I am also the Chairman of the Federation of Ethical Stage Hypnotists.”
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

Alan has many testimonials, with one client saying: “I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done. I’m so grateful to you. Thank you so much again — you’re a very gifted, special, one in a million person.”
Alan summarized: “I’m really determined to help tackle this scourge on our society, especially after watching it ruin many people’s lives around me. It’s definitely getting worse and the increase in people I am treating for this is quite alarming. If you need help and want to give it a try please reach out — the consultation is free and it’s in strict confidence.”
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!

Alan Bates is a hypnotherapist with 40 years’ experience and has helped hundreds of thousands of people internationally. Alan offers hypnotherapy to combat a wide range of issues such as anxiety, fears, PTSD, trauma, weight loss, addiction and more. He works on a free consultation basis, with 1-2-1 sessions for just £70.
Alan Bates Hypnotherapy / Predictions, 204 Liscard Road, Wallasey, CH44 5TN / 0151 601 3509
For a free consultation and confidential chat call Alan on 0151 601 3509, email or contact via the WEBSITE!
For more info and full list of services visit Alan’s WEBSITE