Welcome to our problem page with Linda B! Linda B is a leading international life coach from Iceland and is a LET Communication Consultant, Trauma Resiliency Model expert, Former President of the Icelandic Coaching Federation and Board of Icelandic Women’s Business Association. We’ve partnered with her to help our readers with their problems!
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
Hi Linda B,
I’m a hard working guy in my 30s and I just can’t seem to get a girlfriend. I went through a bad divorce a year or so ago and we’ve been having a big child custody battle — it’s been really draining and it’s played havoc with my mental health. More than anything, it has made me feel anxiety and depression and I suffer from low self esteem.
I am on a dating website and I try to get talking to girls on a night out (well, when we have been able to) but they just don’t seem to be interested in me. I don’t know why. I’m not bad looking or anything. Maybe it’s the energy I give off? I’ve been through so much and just want to meet someone. Any advice?
Tim, Wirral
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!
Hi Tim,
Thank you for trusting me for your matters. I would like to start with saying to you that you should give your self time to heal your wounds and then take a step forward. You have been through a lot in one year and people often think that its easy to go through a divorce but its not so different from losing a loved one when all comes to all.
Your life changes dramatically when you go through it and both parties usually go through sadness and fear of the future as well as missing what was good and nurturing about the relationship. Your anxiety is probably linked to your fear of the future and your depression to what you are missing from the relationship so you are just not ready to go on the dating sites yet and should work on your healing.
So my dear Tim it’s no wonder that you are sending out vibes of need instead of the romantic ones, and I can tell you for sure that vibes like that doesn’t attract women! So don’t let that bring you down and take away your self esteem its just that your vibes are not the right ones.
I can tell you that you have to get your house in order before you go to the dating sites and start a new life. And once you have summon yourself together and have worked on your self-esteem and know within your heart what you want to get out of life you will send out totally different vibes when you meet women and you will attract the right partner when the time is right. (Do you know what personality traits you want to find in your future partner?)
So make the slate clean and dream big dreams about your future, meditate, do yoga or go to the gym daily, walk in the nature and finally find someone that you trust to help you with taking the steps towards your new future. So good luck on your journey and may your life from now on be filled with healing, positive thoughts and sparkling moments.
Good luck and don’t put too much pressure on yourself!
Linda x
To submit an anonymous and confidential question to Linda for free advice email info@lavidaliverpool.co.uk or contact her on FACEBOOK!