I’ve always believed that words have the power to alter the world we live in, both internally and externally. I find this apparent in literature mostly, I’m always on the look out for the next book that can reach inside of me, hold me, heal me, make me feel things, while also making me feel less alone in the things that I feel. I think I found one of those recently.
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I met Ben Murray a number of years ago during a trip to a remote part of Scotland, we were staying in the same bunkhouse. I told stories and he played guitar, and I remember thinking there was something very lovely about this man. A while back I saw that he’d written and illustrated a book, and being interested in his creative endeavours asked if he’d send one out to me, which he thoughtfully autographed to my son and I.
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‘The Island of the Singing Tree’ had been sitting on our bookshelf for several months before I finally got about to opening it for bedtime reading. The story had originally been performed by Ben at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival as a musical play in 2019 and I’d missed my chance to see that, but the story had now thankfully made its way into print.
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The story follows the journey of a little girl Jackie and her actions and adventures following the loss of her dog Japka. Following Japka’s passing, Jackie (unable to process the loss of her dog and best friend) embarks on a magical healing journey during which she learns to talk to tree spirits, river faeries, a nature spirit in the form of a pipe playing faun, and finally Pan himself. With Pan taking the role of king of all the nature spirits and lord of the spiritual realm.
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After being directed by the nature spirits and hearing their songs, she finds Pan atop of a mountain, and Pan allows Jackie to send some special words to Japka in the spirit world – via nature magic. Then Pan comforts her with his great knowledge of this world and the next. As I was reading this book to my eleven-year-old son I found myself choked up and teary, this is a profound emotional journey. My son who has autism/ ADHD can’t usually sit still for very long, but I noticed he was also very captured by the words, songs, and illustrated images.
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Ben dedicated this book to his three childhood friends Meg, Mop & Molly, by writing from his own memories of them, and the loss he felt. I think what Ben has created with this book, and its magical story including whimsical nature illustrations; is a beautiful journey through the loss of love and companionship that accompanies losing a non-human family member. He holds a torch up on the healing path for those feeling the same things that he once did and does.
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I found myself wishing that I’d have had this book after I lost my childhood Labrador best-friend. When I talked to Ben he was unsure if he’d re-publish the book, he’d done a short run of it, and said he may not have anymore printed. So I suppose I’m writing this to encourage him to get it out there more for other people. Ben, the world needs this book and more like it, there’s a place for this book in many of our and our children’s lives. Please print more!
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