From a 17 stone sugar addict to a Channel 4 weight loss star, Liverpool actress Em J Carter turned her life around and has made it her mission to inspire others to do the same. After a long battle with sugar addiction, she lost more than half her body weight and recently appeared on Channel 4’s documentary, Lose Weight Like Me, as a weight loss champion.
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Emily’s story starts from childhood and her battle with her dyspraxia condition. The disorder causes co-ordination and development problems and ADHD is sometimes associated with it. Her challenging start in life, including family problems, led to her developing anxiety and ultimately a sugar addiction — using the high of sugar as a release.
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!
She explained: “My parents knew something was wrong at an early age as my co-ordination was poor and I was developing slowly, so after several trips to the school psychiatrist I was diagnosed with dyspraxia at the age of 5. I was put on different medication and it was tough growing up thinking there was something wrong with me. I was also very self conscious about my height and image.”
She continued: “The glucose and the rush from sugar intake was like a form of escapism for me. I loved the hit and the way it made me feel. Once I became a teenager I found clever ways to get my fix and was soon on 6 bottles of Lucozade per day, whilst secretly ordering takeaways.”
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!
In 2016, Emily’s father developed chronic depression and became a recluse — putting added stress and pressure on her as his carer. After leaving school she lived a lie by telling her friends she was working all the time — when in fact she was looking after her father and binging on unhealthy food and drink. Whilst other girls of her age were going out and socialising, she was consumed by a toxic lifestyle of lonely self destruction.
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!
After years of self abuse, things all changed in late 2018 when she reached 17 stone and began to get dizzy spells and fatigue — at one point collapsing in Liverpool city centre. She visited a doctor who confirmed she had high blood pressure and palpitations — bringing about the shocking realisation that she would die young if she did not change her lifestyle immediately.
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!
She told us: “I was in a really vicious and unhealthy cycle. The pressure I had on my shoulders from an early age made me develop anxiety and a disorder that led to me lying to my friends and living a secret life of addiction — this gave me more anxiety and stress, and so the cycle continued. It was the visit to the doctor and the realisation that I was going to die young that made me take vital action. The doctor actually thought I was on drugs at the time!”
She continued: “The first thing I did was cut down the sugary drinks slowly but surely until I completely replaced them with sugar free alternatives. I thoroughly researched food and taught myself to cook, which was difficult with my co-ordination problems, and prepared healthy meals. I began to go walking every day, venturing further each time, and with constant effort my weight continued to reduce.”
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!
During Emily’s weight loss transformation she suffered from agoraphobia and her father’s condition worsened — with severe COPD adding to his chronic depression. Despite these challenges, she stuck with her new lifestyle and within a year she amazingly reduced her weight from 17 stone to 9 stone and became a size 6 instead of a size 18.
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!
Of her amazing transformation, she said: “Turning yourself around in such a dramatic way is no easy task and it takes constant effort every day. I’m very proud of what I’ve achieved and I hope I can inspire others to do the same. The key is to never give up!”
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!
Since her amazing transformation, Emily lost her father and still suffers from dyspraxia however her life has flourished in many ways. She has had lots of media coverage and has been featured by The Daily Mail, The Daily Star, Take A Break, BBC Radio Merseyside and countless other magazines and podcasts — with a starring role in Channel 4’s Lose Weight Like Me. She is also now a Brand Ambassador for Dyspraxia Help 4U.
Emily has also met her partner, Andy Taylor, who is an award winning filmmaker and the couple have created an exciting new chat show called Drinks With Em J that has featured the actress interviewing some high profile guests. For anyone wanting to lose weight, there’s no better role model than Em J Carter — proving that people really can turn it all around from the brink of destruction and achieve success, inspiring others in the process.
Check out Em J’s new chat show on FACEBOOK!