

Do you know any children who love football and want to fulfil their potential? A new Liverpool based football academy is offering free trials to children of all abilities on its launch night on Tues 3rd March! Children receive a full 90 minute training session from a professional coach free of charge, then decide if they want to continue!

For a FREE 90 minute trial session for your child CLICK HERE!

What’s Premier Football Academy about?

When local business owner Elizabeth Baker became a foster parent, the child was a very talented young football player. Lizzy soon came to realise that there isn’t much quality professional football coaching out there, other than part time fathers and amateur coaches running grassroots teams.

And so, assisted by Premier League experienced coach Milen Tanev and Tranmere Academy player Owen James, the Premier Football Academy concept was born.

Premier Football Academy offers top quality professional coaching to young people between the ages of 6 and 16. The first session is taking place at North Liverpool Academy in Anfield on Tues 3rd March at 6pm and during a typical session children will receive expert training in dribbling, defending, attacking, shooting, technique and more.

For a FREE 90 minute trial session for your child CLICK HERE!

The benefits….

There are several benefits to a child attending Premier Football Academy. Rather like extra curricular tuition, the sessions give children a boost in their development — giving them the huge advantage of professional coaching from the best coaches in the industry. It’s an ideal option for football teams who want the best coaching — giving them the advantage over their rival teams.

Premier Football Academy is suitable for children of all abilities, whether your child is looking to catch up with the rest or become one step ahead. There’s a big focus on inclusivity and it will be offering free sessions to children from challenging backgrounds. The project is all about increasing children’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and confidence.

For a FREE 90 minute trial session for your child CLICK HERE!

How to get a free trial….

The first training session will be held at North Liverpool Academy at 6pm on Tuesday 3rd March. In order for your child to attend for free, all you need to do is submit your interest on their website and book their place. If your child likes the coaching session then it’s just £10 per 90 minute session from then onwards.

For a FREE 90 minute trial session for your child CLICK HERE!

Why we love Premier Football Academy….

Here at La Vida Liverpool, we love promoting businesses that have a positive impact on people. Premier Football Academy is a fantastic new concept that’s all about inclusivity and has many benefits to children. There are big plans to enrol the coaching school throughout the country and we’ll be following its success closely. Amazing stuff!

For a FREE 90 minute trial session for your child CLICK HERE!

Check out the Premier Football Academy WEBSITE!

Check out Premier Football Academy on FACEBOOK!

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