People & Life


An astrology course with a difference has been launched in Liverpool! Clare Morton of Third Eye Astrology is offering a 6 week course in astrology that integrates shamanism and self-development — resulting in the student gaining a better understanding of themselves and others whilst becoming a certified Foundation Astrologer.

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

The course takes the student on a 6 week journey of self-discovery, learning about the elements, the signs, the planets and the things that can have an influence of who we are. In addition to learning the ancient art of astrology, you will also learn about shamanism and how shamans have used the artform for centuries.

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

The idea of the course is to help people gain a better understanding of themselves and others in order to become more patient, understanding, empathic and reasonable. You will not only come away with invaluable tools for life, you will also become a certified Foundation Astrologer and be able to give readings to others.

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

Clare said: “It’s a very unique course because in addition to teaching people how to become a Foundation Astrologer, I have also integrated what I have learnt about shamanism during my own journey of self-development. Both astrology and shamanism have transformed my life and I now want to pass this on to others.”

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

Clare, 39, embarked upon a big journey of transformation in 2019 after losing herself in self-sabotage. Training in astrology gave her an understanding that her water and fire elements were at loggerheads, whereas shamanic healing helped her get to the root causes of her behaviours.

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

Clare explained: “I became lost in my destructive behaviour. I lived a very unhealthy lifestyle and partied a lot to the point where I lost my family, friends, job and almost my home. It got to the point I was desperate and that’s when I started researching spirituality and the reasons we behave the way we do.”

She continued: “I started researching astrology and so much resonated for me. It all made sense. Astrology taught me that there are many universal forces at play. I then met a shaman named Lewis, who showed me how shamanic healing, soul retrieval and energy work can shift underlying traumas and energies. I became trained in both and also in the frog medicine, kambo. These things have changed my life.”

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

Clare healed herself and stopped all the negative behaviours and patterns that caused her damage, whilst becoming trained in astrology and shamanism. Through her unique new Third Eye Astrology courses, Clare aims to give others the same tools — whilst helping them become certified Foundation Astrologers themselves.

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

Clare summarised: “I’m really excited to be delivering these first of a kind courses that fuse two ancient artforms together in order to help people become the best version of themselves they can be. It’s really powerful and there’s nothing quite like it out there!”

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

Clare’s Third Eye Astrology courses are 6 week courses hosted at Inner Guru on Walton Road in Kirkdale. The courses cost £444, with payment plans available, and the student learns about both astrology and shamanism in order to gain a better understanding of themselves and others — whilst becoming a certified Foundation Astrologer.

Third Eye Astrology courses with Clare / Inner Guru, Efik House, Walton Road, Kirkdale, L4 4AF

To enquire about this course call or message Clare on 07762943457 or email

Check out Third Eye Astrology on FACEBOOK!

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