A mother to a beautiful 5-year-old girl and a successful make up artist, 32-year-old Leah Singh was living a full and vibrant life until receiving some devastating news. On 2nd August 2019, her world came crashing down as she was diagnosed with an aggressive Grade 3 type of breast cancer, but what she has done throughout her cancer battle is truly inspiring.
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During her time fighting breast cancer, whilst undergoing debilitating treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Leah made a succession of vlogs documenting her journey. These video diaries soon became a huge hit and have inspired countless cancer patients and friends and relatives of those going through the same battle.
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
Leah told us: “It’s difficult to explain, but I am very in tune with my body and last year I could just sense that something was wrong. When I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer I was terrified at first but there was no time to be scared as it was all systems go straight from the off. It was a whirlwind and immediately I was booked in for hospital appointments and treatment.”
She continued: “I decided early on that I wanted to document my journey in order to help others understand what it’s like for someone going through a cancer battle. I documented my feelings and everything that was happening, including shaving my hair off on video. I decided to call it Blessed With Cancer as it has made me stronger and given me the chance to help others.”
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
Following her diagnosis, Leah underwent an intensive 12 week course of chemotherapy, inducing a premature menopause, so decided to eat healthy plant based food — as well as meditating, taking cannabis oil, special teas and a cancer diet from chef Danny McDonnell. At the beginning of her treatment, she went to the gym every day and climbed Snowdon for charity — being part of the first group to make it to the top of the mountain.
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
Leah explained: “I decided to live as healthy as possible but most importantly, I think a positive mental attitude was a crucial in helping me get through the cancer battle. I was very lucky that we had caught the cancer early and the lump in my breast had disappeared after four weeks, but I needed to complete the treatment and the chemotherapy became quite horrific — really nasty.”
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
At times, the powerful chemotherapy became unbearable for Leah, but fighting for her life, remaining positive and her commitment to helping and inspiring others through her vlog kept her going. Leah also told us that having support from friends and family is a vital factor in helping to get you through it.
Leah said: “It’s during a difficult time like this that you find out who your friends are — people can be so kind and supportive. I made sure that I remained positive at all times and had positive people around me — I think that was a huge factor in my survival, the same way fear and negative energy lowers your vibrations and can make you ill.”
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
Just after Christmas 2019, Leah’s hair started to fall out — leading her to shave her hair off on video. By this point, the chemotherapy had really taken hold and there were times she wanted to throw the towel in or have a breakdown. Despite feeling so bad, she continued making the videos in order to share with others the realities of a cancer battle.
Leah told us: “Battling cancer and going through all the treatment really does take it out of you. Even after it all, there are ongoing effects. It’s like a soldier who has been fighting in a war — the battle has a profound ongoing effect on you. I always try to look at the positives though and now see the world differently — I appreciate everything so much more and sometimes stop to admire the simple beautiful things such as plants and trees.”
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
In January 2020, Leah completed her intensive chemotherapy course and had surgery to remove a tiny part of her breast. By May 2020, Leah had also completed her 20 sessions of radiotherapy and was soon given the incredible news that she had survived the aggressive form of breast cancer.
Leah said: “Now that I’ve been through this, I feel divine and heightened in some sort of way. I am truly blessed by having experienced this because it has changed the way I look at life for the better and it’s made me stronger. It’s also given me the chance to help and inspire others and it feels amazing receiving messages from all over the world from people I’ve helped.”
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
Now that she has the all clear, Leah continues to run her successful make up artist business whilst being a loving mother to her daughter, but also continues to help others by offering online support sessions to those wanting to talk about their battle with cancer and also to friends or relatives of those with cancer.
Leah summarised: “A cancer battle is the biggest life or death fight you’ll ever have and it takes so much out of you. It’s important that people understand that, whilst accepting it and remaining positive no matter what. Never take things for granted in life and if you find a lump or sense something’s not right then go and get checked out! Always keep the faith and let me tell you that when you survive something like this, you’ll become a stronger and better person for it.”
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
Here at La Vida Liverpool, we love delivering positive stories to try to combat the misery and fearmongering in the mainstream media that affects our mental health. The story of Leah Singh is a very special one indeed — an incredible woman who has used her cancer battle to help and inspire others, before finally beating the illness. A truly amazing and inspiring woman!
Check out Blessed With Cancer on INSTAGRAM!
Check out Leah on YOUTUBE!
Photographs courtesy of Leah Singh and Queng Photography