Music & Nightlife


At 8pm (UK time) on Friday 28th August 2020, a powerful song about world peace will be played live from Liverpool and showcased all around the globe. Dubbed ‘the sequel to Imagine’, it’s set to be a huge hit.

‘Together As 1’, written and performed by The Cavern Club favourite, Jimmy Coburn, is an anthem that calls for faith, hope and most of all, kindness, during these difficult times in which there has been a great deal of fear, anger and division in the world.

Jimmy Coburn, a solo artist and a John Lennon tribute act of The Cavern Club Beatles fame, has been commissioned by the global charity, TUFF (The Unity of Faith Foundation), to produce and release the song as part of their KIND20 campaign. KIND20 is a global initiative that has already reached 6.5 million people in 120 countries and it aims to unite people and make 2020 a year of kindness rather than division — with Liverpool being a flagship city for the campaign.

TUFF was founded in 2011 and the charity has done significant things to educate young people about ethics and values and encourage development via music, sport, arts and learning. Patrons of the global charity include The Queen Of England, The Pope and Barack Obama. Jimmy Coburn’s uplifting song for the charity is an integral part of the KIND20 campaign and is set to make waves internationally.

On Monday 24th August 2020, the charity’s key figures including Dr. Shamender Talwar and Anna Bornholt are coming to Liverpool to oversee the production, official release and global airing of the ground breaking song. ‘Together As 1’ will be filmed on Wednesday 26th August 2020, before being played live from Liverpool on Friday 28th August to audiences all across the globe in countries such as U.S.A and Australia. It has already been played showcased during KIND20’s virtual festival in Australia.

The charity’s founder, Dr. Shamender Talwar, who recently talked about the inspirational song on BBC Radio London, said: “When we were looking for a powerful song to represent our campaign, our PR guy Geoff Baker suggested Jimmy Coburn as he’s a gifted musician from Liverpool who plays John Lennon in The Cavern Club Beatles. Geoff has done lots of work for Paul McCartney so we trusted his judgement.”

He continued: “I have Liverpool roots as my father was from Toxteth, so I understand the significance of a song about world peace and kindness coming from Liverpool. This is made even more special by the fact that Jimmy is an extremely talented John Lennon act, so it has become the sequel to John Lennon’s incredible song ‘Imagine’. We’re absolutely delighted with Jimmy’s creation, ‘Together As 1’, and it captures our message perfectly. We’re looking forward to a huge reaction to it internationally.”

Jimmy Coburn said of the song: “It’s a real honour to be selected by the charity to perform a song about world peace and kindness. The call to ask me to write an international song for kindness came out of the blue and it was a bit of a tall order. I was walking around Liverpool thinking about how to write it and what to say when the whole song just came into my head – it was like it just fell out of the sky I’m really excited about this song inspiring people and promoting a positive message all over the world.”

 ‘Together As 1’ will be broadcast live at 8pm (UK time) on Friday 28th August 2020 throughout the world and can be watched via the charity’s Facebook page. Following this, the song will also be adopted by the USA’s Caravan Of Unity, a peace convoy of vehicles which is to travel across the States carrying “a torch for hope and healing” aimed at calming the currently-troubled America.

You can find the song on Youtube HERE

You can find the charity’s website HERE

The live broadcast of the song will be available on the charity’s Facebook page HERE

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