A woman from Japan has undergone an incredible transformation thanks to a personal training company in Liverpool. Madoka Moroi, 30, gained lots of weight during lockdowns after moving to the city but turned her life around after working with Limitless Lifestyle Community and is now a bodybuilder.
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Madoka worked as an Account Manager for a beer company in Okayama before transferring to Liverpool in December 2019. Unfortunately, just months after arriving in the UK, Covid lockdowns began and this led her to live a very isolated and unhealthy life in her new country of residence.
Madoka explained: “It was always going to be difficult moving to a new country and making new friends but lockdowns made that even more difficult. I asked colleagues about British food and got into a bad habit of eating fatty foods and takeaways. I didn’t exercise, stayed in alone and soon I was 74kg. Being alone in a new city, it wasn’t a great situation to be in.”
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Madoka lived an unhealthy life throughout Covid and when she got to point where she couldn’t fit into the clothes she brought from Japan, she went to the doctors. She was told that she needed to lose weight for her health and this made her realise something needed to be done — leading her to search for local personal trainers.
Madoka discovered Limitless Lifestyle Community — a new, first of its kind concept from Liverpool that offers a holistic approach to personal training. Founded by Alex Sloan and Levi Osborne, Limitless Lifestyle Community offers unlimited personal training, a 24/7 support group, a nutrition plan, a community and regular socials and events.
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Madoka explained: “Making the decision to reach out is the best decision I’ve made in my life. In May 2021 I started working with Alex and Levi and they changed my life! They got me in a 3 days a week training routine and really pushed me, whilst putting me on a nutrition plan and educating me on food and calories in the UK.”
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

She continued: “The social aspect was very important for me too. I had become isolated during lockdowns but now I had found a new community of positive people. Through Limitless Lifestyle Community we all had a bond of fitness and pushing each other to be the best we could be. They have nothing like this in Japan — it’s amazing! I also began to understand the relationship between fitness and mental health.”
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Madoka trained with Alex and Levi for 4 months until she returned to the weight she was before coming to the UK. She developed a strong passion for fitness and health, leading her to attend a PCA Bodybuilding show, and after becoming fascinated by the physical condition of the competitors she decided to train to become one.
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Madoka explained: “Alex and Levi pushed me really hard in order to get to the next level and I began training 5 days a week. The Limitless Lifestyle Community members were all behind me supporting me and when I competed at my first event they came along to cheers me on. It was very surreal and when I posted on social media people back home couldn’t believe it as I have always been very shy.”
She continued: “Lockdowns in a new country, being isolated and developing a bad lifestyle took me down a dark path but thanks to the personal training I have turned it around. I am now in the best shape of my life and very happy and confident. I am returning to Japan in December 2022 when my visa runs out but I now have the tools and knowledge of training and nutrition to continue this lifestyle back home.”
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Madoka plans to embark on a career working in health and fitness when she returns to Japan and will forever be indebted to the personal training community she discovered in Liverpool. After gaining lots of weight and going to a dark place, she turned her life around and even became a bodybuilder — becoming an incredible case study for Limitless Lifestyle Community in the process.
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Madoka summarised: “It’s been a real experience coming to Liverpool these past three years. It was the worst timing to move here with lockdowns happening and I became unhealthy but everything happens for a reason. It pushed me to get into fitness and now I feel amazing. I have also met some great people here and will miss Liverpool very much. Liverpool has definitely changed my life!”
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Levi Osborne from Limitless Lifestyle Community said: “We’re very proud of what we’ve created with Limitless. We aim to give people the tools to live a sustainable lifestyle rather than just achieve a quick fix. We’ve had some amazing results with our members but Madoka is probably the most profound. She has worked so hard and to go from where she was to where she is now is amazing!”
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!

Limitless Lifestyle Community is based at The Lab on Dale Street and is available to members 7 days a week — booking in group or individual slots depending on their monthly plan. Monthly plans start from £250 and members have access to a nutrition plan, a 24/7 support group, a community, socials and events. Members receive a 50% discount for a month with every referral.
Limitless Lifestyle Community / The Lab, 40-46 Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 5SF
For a free introductory personal training session with Limitless Lifestyle Community call 07803507095 or contact via the WEBSITE!
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