As Editor of La Vida Liverpool, I’ve been promoting the great things happening at Inner Guru — a wellbeing centre and CIC on Walton Road. One of the treatments they offer there is kambo — a cleansing and detoxifying process using secretion of peptides and alkaloids from a South American giant monkey frog. I decided to take part in a couple of kambo circles to see what it’s all about….
Check out The Kambo Practitioner Alliance WEBSITE!
Inner Guru’s Founder, Lewis Powell, is a Master Kambo Practitioner and has been practising and teaching kambo all over the world for five years. Lewis is also the Founder of The Kambo Practitioner Alliance — not only an association of competent and fully trained practitioners but also a community dedicated to offering safe treatments to clients.
Lewis has seen some incredible results from kambo — with people recovering from things such as depression, anxiety, addiction, PTSD, infertility and cancer following treatments. Whilst kambo is legal, the medical world does not endorse kambo as a recognised medicine — despite many people championing its healing qualities.
To enquire about having kambo or becoming a practitioner call Lewis on 07482871127 or email
Indigenous people have used kambo for centuries to heal and cleanse the body by strengthening its natural defences and warding off bad luck. It was also believed to increase stamina and hunting skills. These days shamans and naturopathic practitioners such as Lewis use it for cleansing the body of toxins, boosting the immune system and treating numerous health conditions.
The way kambo works is by burning the frog secretion into the skin after drinking three litres of water. The kambo enters the lymphatic system and bloodstream, where it’s said to race around the body scanning for problems whilst releasing peptides. This usually results in some immediate side effects, including heating up, swelling of the face and vomiting.
Check out The Kambo Practitioner Alliance WEBSITE!
After hearing lots about kambo through Lewis and others, I decided to participate in two kambo circles at Inner Guru — to find out first hand what kambo is all about, to understand the process and to see if it would give me any benefits. I had spoken with a couple of people who had seen incredible results, but warned me of the draining process, so I was both nervous and excited going into it.
My first kambo ceremony or ‘circle’ was on a Sunday morning and there were 10 of us in attendance. After an introduction from Lewis and some ceremonial prayers, we all drank three litres of water each and took turns to have the burn marks in our skin before the frog secretion was applied to the burns. Traditionally, men have the burns on their left shoulder and women on their right ankle.
To enquire about having kambo or becoming a practitioner call Lewis on 07482871127 or email
Myself and another girl were the third pair in line to have the kambo so I was able to witness the effects on others first. The others started to look very weary, with their faces red from the kambo before throwing up in the buckets provided. When it was our turn, I went to the alter at the front to get my burns and kambo applied — with it being my first experience, I received four insertions of kambo.
When I returned back to my mat around the circle, I enjoyed listening to the soothing and hypnotic tribal chants that were playing before the kambo started to kick in. I began to feel it racing through me and my rushing through to my face and head — I felt hot and slightly feverish before being sick a few times in my bucket. I wasn’t as sick as others though — the guy next to me purged a great deal and he must have filled at least half a bucket.
We all relaxed whilst the effects of the kambo slowly wore off and all in all, the ceremony lasted around three hours. After returning home I felt very tired and remained tired for the following couple of days — before feeling refreshed, cleansed and with a new sense of clarity. The idea of kambo is to flush out toxins and bad energy and therefore allow space to heal, grow and come back with more energy. I definitely did get something from it, although I am a very positive, proactive and energetic person anyway so it’s difficult to say to what extent.
Check out The Kambo Practitioner Alliance WEBSITE!
I attended my second kambo circle two weeks later, once more on a Sunday morning. A few of the people from the previous circle were there and we compared notes about our progress since. It was incredible to hear about some of the results — with one guy saying he’d had a complete new lease of life and had set up a new business, and another woman saying she felt free of her anxiety and depression.
The second ceremony followed the same process as the first, with around ten of us in attendance drinking water before taking the kambo, and this time Lewis administered twice as many burn marks into my skin. I knew this was going to be more intense and indeed it was! This time I felt the frog secretion racing through me even more powerfully and my face felt red hot, swollen and tingling, as if I was having an allergic reaction, and I knew that this time I was going the famous ‘frog face’, where your face puffs up.
To enquire about having kambo or becoming a practitioner call Lewis on 07482871127 or email
Once again, I didn’t purge as much as the others and Lewis told me that this may be due to certain blockages. Whilst I wasn’t sick very much, I most definitely did feel the effects of the swollen face and my throat was also very clogged — as if there was something stuck in it. As I travelled home from Liverpool, I was very self conscious about my puffy, swollen face and not being able to speak properly due to my clogged up throat.
I again felt very tired and drained after the kambo experience and it took a couple of days for my swollen face to go down — particularly around the eyes. I again felt cleansed and a sense of clarity after a few days of having the treatment and found myself very productive and full of zest. I was keen to hear more from the others who had amazing results and I decided to catch up with them six weeks after kambo….
Check out The Kambo Practitioner Alliance WEBSITE!
Paul told me: “I had three kambo circles in the moon cycle and it was a tough experience. Each one got harder and the last one wiped me out — you really need to be prepared for it — but the benefits for me were incredible. I had been putting things off but kambo cleared any anxiety and doubt and gave me clarity. Since kambo my energy has gone through the roof — I’ve had more energy to play with my kids and I’ve set up a new business. Mentally, it’s helped me massively.”
Sarah told me: “I ended up having kambo three times in the moon cycle and I can’t recommend it enough. Lewis and his assistance made us feel so comfortable and at ease. The after effects for me were amazing. I felt like I had let go of a lot of past trauma which has allowed me to move forward with my life with a sense of peace and love. I also felt more alert with no fear of everyday problems! I’d fully recommend this ceremony if you feel like you’re in a rut or can’t seem to let go of the past.”
To enquire about having kambo or becoming a practitioner call Lewis on 07482871127 or email
Although kambo isn’t officially recognised medically, there’s no doubt that many people attribute it to profound transformations in their lives — with many recovering from pain, illness and suffering following treatment. A growing number of people are practising kambo but if you’re wanting to look into using it, it’s highly recommended to consult someone like Lewis — who is very experienced and qualified.
To enquire about having kambo or becoming a practitioner call Lewis on 07482871127 or email
Check out The Kambo Practitioner Alliance WEBSITE!
Check out The Kambo Practitioner Alliance on FACEBOOK!
Check out the Inner Guru WEBSITE!
Check out Inner Guru on FACEBOOK!