A young scientist from South Wirral has invented a ground breaking solution for Covid19 that could pave the way for a better and safer future. Sadia Khanom, 25, has created a new disinfectant procedure called Voltique that attracts and kills all pathogens on any surface it is applied to for 14 days.
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Described as ‘one of the biggest breakthroughs of the pandemic’, Voltique has been successfully trialled globally by the likes of the NHS, NASA and various independent peer reviewed labs, and is now being taken on by a number of governments and blue chip companies.
The spray formula is a nanoscale disinfectant barrier that can be used across multiple industries on all surfaces – making them 100% Covid safe for 14 days whilst saving up to 70% on staff cleaning and disinfectant product bills. Pilot hospitals and care homes have collated positive data – with swabs confirming that all treated surfaces have become completely free from pathogens, including Covid19.
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
The concept was devised following 8 months of research from Sadia Khanom, a young scientist who was about to take a PHD in Alzheimer’s Research and Neurodegeneration when the pandemic struck. Instead of following that next step in her medical career, she drew on her existing science, genomic medicine and geneticist degree education to try to find a solution that would kill Covid19.
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
Sadia explained: “I’ve been obsessed with science from an early age and as a child I’d often ask for extra homework. My passion piqued at the age of 14 when my grandfather developed Alzheimer’s and from then on I have made it my mission to prevent the disease.”
She continued: “I have a strategy to find an early intervention of Alzheimer’s however my restriction has been lack of funding, so I decided that by creating something like Voltique I could create a solution for Covid whilst funding my Alzeimer’s research at the same time.”
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
Putting her PHD on hold, Sadia worked in her parents’ restaurant, Café India, whilst spending endless hours number crunching in her spare time – studying the ever changing virus on a nano molecular level and creating different equations to find the perfect formula to kill it. Using her parents’ restaurant as an initial case study, she tested her invention on all surfaces, from leather to wood to fabric, to test its efficacy.
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
Sadia said: “I have studied Covid19 extensively and have also conducted a great deal of research on all common disinfectants on the market. I realised that there is a need for a solution that can be used on all surfaces but also one that kills the main body of a virus, killing all mutations and strains effectively.”
She continued: “After months of research, I finally found the perfect formula and called it Voltique – a hybrid spray powered by electricity that kills all forms of Coronavirus, Ebola virus, Norovirus Avian Flu, Influenza A, Sars, HIV B and other pathogens that cause hospital-acquired infections.”
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
After creating Voltique, Sadia contacted Colin Hagan – a vastly experienced scientific innovation and development professional – to help get the product into the mainstream. With huge scope to save lives and save money on disinfectant, the product is currently being considered by Principles in 14 different countries.
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
Colin Hagan said: “The potential of Voltique is eye watering and it could become a revolutionary product across all industries including medical, hospitality, aviation, marine and nuclear. The implications are massive, with every surface the spray is applied to being 100% Covid safe for 14 days following application.”
He continued: “It represents a huge step for Covid safety and it will save businesses money on disinfectants and cleaning hours too. It’s been tested by the NHS, NASA and many independent labs globally, so people can be assured it’s safe and non flammable – you can spray Voltique on an apple and eat it safely.”
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
Sadia’s business plan for Voltique is now in full swing and with Colin Hagan as her mentor, plans are in motion to roll out the ground breaking product on a global level. With over £10 million worth of orders in the pipeline, a partnership with global Tier 2 charity,, is also being discussed in order to help achieve a global reach at the top level, whilst donating a percentage of profits to the charity.
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
Dr. Talwar, Co-Founder of and leading social psychologist, said: “Our charity, whose Patrons include The Pope and Barrack Obama, has been involved in a number of projects to combat the effects of the pandemic and this new ground breaking innovation is one we’re 100% behind.”
He continued: “During times of adversity the world needs more innovators and revolutionaries like Sadia Khanom and we’re going to do everything we can to help roll out her concept on a global level, whilst recognising her for such outstanding work. This young woman is an inspiration and stands to help countless people through her endeavours.”
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE
Sadia summarised: “Naturally, I’m delighted that my extensive research has led to something so ground breaking, but for me it has always been about the intention and my passion for using science to make the world a better place.”
She continued: “It is not about financial gain for me, but I am very excited about the prospect of making enough money to self-fund my Alzheimer’s research. I am determined to one day fulfil my dream of finding an early prevention of Alzheimer’s in the name of my Grandfather, so I can help save others from the same genetic disease that he has suffered from.”
For more info about Voltique please visit their WEBSITE