A free online support website for parents has been launched by Wirral Council to help with all aspects of parenting. Family Toolbox offers parents tips and support, parenting advice, links to groups and organisations, things to do and more — whether that be advice to help a child sleep or finding something fun to do.
For info and to register visit the Family Toolbox WEBSITE!
The new resource bridges a gap and brings parents lots of help and support in one place. With topics such as managing aggressive behaviour, ADHD, autism, keeping a tidy household, changing schools and more, there’s lots of invaluable advice to help parents through the challenges of raising children.
For info and to register visit the Family Toolbox WEBSITE!
Over the past few years, multiple agencies from across the Wirral who offer support to families have been listening to parents and carers alike to truly understand the kind of challenges they are up against. A lot of what they found is that most struggles happened because there just wasn’t the right resource available, or if there was, it was too hard to find!
For info and to register visit the Family Toolbox WEBSITE!
Family Toolbox makes resources and support more readily available and puts the power right in the hands of families to help work out what they want to change for themselves, and what steps they need to take to get there. Whether it’s the middle of the night, or a quick five minutes in a supermarket car park, anyone can access it when they choose to.
For info and to register visit the Family Toolbox WEBSITE!
Wirral parent Jacinthe said: “Family Toolbox has loads of information available and shows you things you wouldn’t have even thought of looking into. There’s something no matter what you need to help you as a parent. I was reading up on one thing and found information on something else that I didn’t realise was available.”
She continued: “It’s really helpful. One of my friends has been really struggling as a parent recently. When I had a look on the site, I saw some information that I know can help her too. Somewhere I can signpost her to in future. Thank you!”
For info and to register visit the Family Toolbox WEBSITE!
For anyone looking for support in person, you can find out about organisations across Wirral through the site and get in touch with them too. The toolbox is in your hands and so is the power! A fantastic free initiative to help parents be the best they can be for their children, Family Toolbox is now available to Wirral parents.
For info and to register visit the Family Toolbox WEBSITE!