Health & Beauty


After making handmade natural skincare products at home to help combat her rare autoimmune disease, Nici Burns’ business, Nibu Naturals, has blown up internationally — with orders from as far and wide as the U.S, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Europe. A firm favourite of celebrities, Nibu Naturals aims to empower women and encourage them to stop using toxic products..

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

Nici Burns, from Heswall, Wirral, founded Nibu Naturals in 2019, after attempting to combat her rare autoimmune disease. She began researching self-healing using the earth’s most precious and natural remedies and this in turn led her to study and understand how we can slow down the signs of ageing through alternative therapies, the correct nutrition and lifestyle factors.

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

Nici said: “I have an auto-immune disease that really affects the skin and joints so I became much more conscious about what I was consuming. I researched and learnt more about the toxins in skincare products and was shocked to learn how carcinogenic many products were.”

She continued: “After studying holistic therapies and in particular aromatherapy, I was intrigued by the beneficial properties in therapeutic-grade oils, plant botanicals, algae and astaxanthin so I began to experiment making natural skincare products at home.”

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

Nici began to see incredible results from her own handmade natural skincare products and soon began to spread the word and sell her products to friends. In 2019 she attended the Health Summit, selling over £1,000 of her products in two hours, and when people in attendance told her she should sell them on a bigger level the seed was sown.

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

Making 90% of her products by hand from her home and using 100% eco friendly and cruelty free materials, at the age of 47 Nici set out to make Nibu Naturals an international business. She set up a website and online shop and soon employed assistants to meet demand — with orders coming in from countries all over the world.

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

As the brand spread like wildfire, before long celebrities such as Hollyoaks star Davinia Taylor, Cheshire Housewives Leanne Brown and Tanya Bardsley, Bridgerton star Kathryn Drysdale and Super Model Jodie Kidd started to champion the products. Nibu Naturals is now a firm favourite of celebrities.

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

Nici said: “Making natural skincare products was something that I set out to do to help with my condition and I never expected it to blow up like this! I’ve achieved a lot of success in a short space of time but I want to give back and help other women. I want to educate as many women as possible to be conscious of the products they use and I also want to show them that you can start a successful business at any point of your life.”

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

There are many dangerous ingredients in skincare products and The Environmental Working Group estimates that there are over 10,000 nasty chemicals in beauty and skincare products — ranging from carcinogens to pesticides and reproductive toxins. Chemicals such as parabens can have wide ranging risks such as inhibiting microbes that protect against contamination from bacteria and fungi.

Skincare products can have a detrimental impact on the environment too. Millions of pounds in antibacterial chemicals and other toxins from skin care products get flushed down the toilet and end up in waterways each year — harming algae and other aquatic life. Through Nibu Naturals, Nici aims to inspire change and encourage others to think and consume more consciously.

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

Nici summarised: “Strangely I am grateful for having my condition — it has led me to learning so much about the health, beauty and skincare industry and I have been able to help many people in the process. Obviously it’s amazing to have an international business and have celebrities shouting about my products but most importantly I want to encourage change and inspire other women to set up businesses and follow their dreams.”

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

Nibu Naturals has a wide range of products including facial scrub, facial cleanser, hand balm, moisturiser, body oil and even pet products. Orders can be made via the online shop, with worldwide shipping available and new international distributors coming soon in Germany and the U.S.

Check out the Nibu Naturals website and online shop HERE! Apply discount code LAVIDA15 for 15% discount off your order!

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