Those who have recently been to the Victoria Road area of New Brighton, or who have been following our articles, will be aware of the exciting regeneration project. Local businessman Daniel Davies and his team at Rockpoint Leisure have been transforming the area and the new ‘Victoria Quarter’ is becoming something rather special!
For more info check out the Rockpoint Leisure WEBSITE!
In addition to new bars, restaurants and retail outlets, one of the amazing features of this regeneration scheme is the appearance of beautiful street art. Rockpoint Leisure have commissioned a team of local and international street artists to decorate the area with beautiful and inspirational wall art and it’s already causing quite a storm!
Check out Rockpoint Leisure on FACEBOOK!
We’ve already seen a giant Martin Luther King feature on the back of The Perch Rock pub, appropriately visible from Hope Street. We’ve seen beautiful mermaid and wolf features on The Harbour pub building. We’ve also had a giant bear on the Rockpoint Leisure drop in centre building — the same building that houses our office!
For more info check out the Rockpoint Leisure WEBSITE!
The new creation is possibly the best one yet. Painted on the side of Vanity Beauty Bar and opposite The Bow Legged Beagle, this new masterpiece is of the old New Brighton Tower and coastline — with a reference to Peter Pan and words to the side saying: ‘The moment you doubt whether you can fly you cease for ever to be able to do it.’
Check out Rockpoint Leisure on FACEBOOK!
We attended the unveiling of the latest artwork on a Sunday night, with many members of the local community in attendance. We enjoyed its launch and talks from Alex Marra and the team of artists, as well as some words from Daniel Davies — the popular man behind the project who bought everyone free drinks at The Bow Legged Beagle on the night.
For more info check out the Rockpoint Leisure WEBSITE!
Daniel Davies added: “I’ve been in corporate business for many years but the reason I’m doing all this is not for money — it’s for the community. I love this town and I want to make this a vibrant place to be — putting New Brighton firmly back on the map again.”
For more info check out the Rockpoint Leisure WEBSITE!
He continued: “We’ve created over 100 jobs so far and I must add — we do not intend to take business away from the other great independents here, we aim to give them more business by making the Victoria Quarter a thriving hot spot. Art and creativity is a big part of that and we can’t wait to show you the rest of the street art we have planned — including a giant John Lennon piece.”
Check out Rockpoint Leisure on FACEBOOK!
Here at La Vida Liverpool, we’re thrilled to have an office at the heart of the project and will be keeping you up to date with developments. With the new businesses, an indoor artisan market planned and lots more street art, the future is very bright for the Victoria Quarter and New Brighton — here’s to the future of this great seaside town!
For more info check out the Rockpoint Leisure WEBSITE!
Check out Rockpoint Leisure on FACEBOOK!