A former drink and drug addict who turned his life around and became a youth worker is now running a marathon for mental health. Leigh Foley, 36, is running 26.2 miles around Liverpool on Saturday 5th June in aid of the new #EndTheStigma men’s mental health hub being set up in Kirkdale, North Liverpool.
To donate to Leigh’s fundraiser for #EndTheStigma CLICK HERE!
Following years of self destruction and alcohol and drug abuse, Leigh completely transformed his life and now works mentoring youths who have been in foster care — ensuring they don’t follow the same path that he did. He is also involved with his friend Lewis Powell’s wellbeing centre, Inner Guru, and is helping raise money to set up a new men’s mental health hub, #EndTheStigma, on the floor below.
To donate to Leigh’s fundraiser for #EndTheStigma CLICK HERE!
Leigh said: “Anyone who has read the article about my journey, or anyone who knows me, will understand how far I’ve come. Mental health is a serious thing and I was very self destructive until I realised that it was deep rooted issues that caused this behaviour. To go from the person I was to running 26 miles is a huge achievement for me.”
He continued: “What Lewis and the guys are doing to set up a men’s mental health hub in Liverpool is vital. They are going to specialise in early intervention and that’s so important, with mental health problems a major issue in today’s world. For me it was a natural thing to help out by raising money through the marathon but also using myself as an example that people can beat their problems.”
To donate to Leigh’s fundraiser for #EndTheStigma CLICK HERE!
Leigh is starting the full marathon from The Royal Liver Building and will be joined by five other runners — Kerry Verschueren, Angela Gray Letman, Isabelle Heleana, Paulie Senior and Michelle Morris. The group will run to and around Sefton Park before circumnavigating Liverpool and finishing at the Inner Guru wellbeing centre in Kirkdale.
To donate to Leigh’s fundraiser for #EndTheStigma CLICK HERE!
Inner Guru Founder, Lewis Powell, said: “We’re looking to get the keys to the floor below and set up the #EndTheStigma centre in August and we need to raise over £30,000 so people like Leigh helping with fundraising is vital to our mission. Leigh and the group raising money is an important part of pour campaign.”
He continued: “It’s no secret that mental health problems, addictions and suicide rates amongst males is a growing issue — potentially even more so following the pandemic. Our new hub will offer early intervention through a number of ways, from coffee mornings to support groups and mental health nurses on offer, and it’s great to see everyone come together to help set this up.”
To donate to Leigh’s fundraiser for #EndTheStigma CLICK HERE!
Ever since his transformation, Leigh has put his energy into running, boxing and fitness and is now ready for a full marathon — something he wouldn’t have been able to do during his days of addiction. He is hoping to raise lots of money for the new men’s mental health hub whilst being an example to others who wish to turn their lives around too.
To donate to Leigh’s fundraiser for #EndTheStigma CLICK HERE!
He summarized: “My journey taught me that transforming yourself takes constant effort every single day. I realised that drink is my master and the destructive way of life is always there doing press ups at the end of your bed waiting for you to slip up. It’s a constant battle — you can’t just make a change and that’s it, you need to work on your new life every single hour of every single day.”
He continued: “Now that I have overcome my demons and continue to do so, it’s important for me to give back and inspire others to do the same. This is why I chose the role of becoming a youth worker and why I am involved in Inner Guru and now this new project. There’s no point just doing something for yourself and leaving it at that — it’s important to pass on the lessons learnt to others.”
To donate to Leigh’s fundraiser for #EndTheStigma CLICK HERE!